Robert and Janet Ringwald seem to think they have a ‘right’ to poison their neighbors on a regular basis over years. The Ringwalds don’t have to breathe the smoke day in and day out blowing across their property, into their house, but they’re FINE with doing that to others.

“Chuck” and Janet Ringwald clearly think other people’s hard work isn’t worth as much as theirs. They’re not the ones who can’t even sit on their own porch or open a window because of the endless burning. Nice how it leaves their yard and stinks up my property for hours longer.

They think they are more important than everyone else. They’ve been asked and told countless times, and they act like vicious entitled children.

Who moves to the forest to burn every single thing that falls on the ground? Robert Ringwald. These fucking retards live like they own a 20 acre estate, not 3 acres surrounded by others trying to live and breathe. ALL THE TIME with the burning

It’s not just a little, and it’s not just sometimes. It’s year after year after year of being driven out of my own home, having to stop work and rearrange the basic BUILDING of my home. 

Let alone the years of not being able to JUST EXIST without being poisoned. Any decent human being wouldn’t need to be asked not to cause smoke to blow at someone else’s home on a regular basis.

Any decent person who does unto others as they would have done to them, would recognize they’re getting smoke into other people’s homes. They might even bother to recognize the multiple people with asthma and other breathing issues. But nope, Janet and  Robert Ringwald are more important than everyone else.

They have a $101,000 mortgage and their neighbors, who bought land first and have been building their home one dollar at a time instead of taking out credit –what do we get? We get to just suck smoke. Have endless days of labor building our home ruined, where we have to get away from the smoke.

Year after year to have zero escape from their constant pollution, not on my covered deck, not inside my house even. Over 80% of the time the smoke they cause visibly clouds up my yard, and ‘Chuck’ and Janet feel totally entitled to do this.

Other people in the neighborhood have asthma, and it gives me breathing congestion and headaches too, but Janet and Robert Ringwald don’t care. They seem to like being assholes.

Particulates like what they have saturated my home in for years, SHORTEN PEOPLE’S LIVES, period. THEY would never put up with being engulfed in toxic, sickening smoke, but they have no problem dishing it out for others downwind to breathe.

It doesn’t matter how nicely you state the issue, they get violent and threatening. The very first time I talked to them about it via note because the beginning of the pandemic was happening and I really didn’t need another neighbor spitting all over me like Brian Davis had just done the week before when I was forced to go out and stop him from killing my trees. HOW HARD IS IT TO STRING A LINE BETWEEN THE MARKERS YOUR NEIGHBOR ALREADY PAID FOR?  Robert yelled violent threats at me. So, if you’re a shitty bully who makes it dangerous to exist or even talk to, then I guess you win and you get to keep poisoning your neighbors.

Like the narcissist babies they are, they lie to authorities and say I’ve threatened them, when damn straight I merely told Janet Ringwald and “Chuck” Robert Ringwald that if they continue to make my life hell where I can’t even breathe then I will make their life uncomfortable too. So they can lie to authorities and say I’ve ‘threatened them’, when they literally poison me over years.

I was warned about Robert Ringwald and Janet Ringwald, previously of Blossom, Texas, now residents outside Antlers, OK, when I finally moved in. 

Wish I’d known when buying my land that 2 assholes were going to buy the land across the street and play a key part in making my 10 years of hard work building my own home… go down the drain. 

I finally had built a house over weekend after weekend, and right after I moved in, other neighbors complained to me they could not even use their yards because of ‘Chuck’s burning.

There are others in the neighborhood who have COPD, several have asthma. They shouldn’t be forced to breathe these assholes’ smoke, and yet only my house is in the main path of prevalent winds so that I get the brunt of whatever they burn. From trying to enjoy morning coffee on my back deck, to having my paying work interrupted, to not being able to even crack a window, they’ve clearly taken over total rights to make the air quality in my property as shitty as they feel like.

That’s how selfish, reckless, and spoiled Janet and Chuck Ringwald are. They feel like frivolous unnecessary burning is more important than others’ rights to breathe or control the air quality or smell in their own homes.

They know their smoke goes all through other people’s properties, and they continue to do it. In fact, they intentionally participated in dog piling. Between Robert and Janet, and The Wilsons, there’s zero break from toxic smoke NONE OF THEM have to breathe. In the day it’s nearly constant burning by the Ringwalds, then after dark it’s trash burning with endless plastic by the Wilsons.

Ah yes, the Wilsons…. The Ringwalds got nice backup in their mission to poison and ruin my home and peace and wellbeing. What happens when you finally have to get loud about being poisoned by your idiot asshole neighbors? Ass clowns like Robin Wilson and her dad, Daniel Wilson, decide they are going to be vigilantes and start burning more too. Cuz, again, that’s how these people all operate. They’re such pathetic unsatisfied losers they have zero interest in civility, and so much more invested in being as nasty and violent as possible. So now, the Ringwalds have the Wilsons and Davises to cry to about their right to poison and ruin someone else’s home. 

It’s funny how as long as I sit and BE POISONED everything is fine. But the MOMENT I stand up for my BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, then you pieces of true human filth all make out as though I’m the problem. Disgusting idiot madness. the lot of you.

Both the Ringwald and the Wilson households are ADAMANT they have a right to constantly make other people’s homes unlivable. These are the kind of people Robert Ringwald and Janet Ringwald are.

I can work my ass off to buy land, build my own home as I make the money day by day, and they can make every single day and step harder by poisoning me.

EVERY human being would have the same reaction after being exposed to this trash over years. You think “oh I can rearrange, go somewhere else in the property, I can rearrange my entire build and income work schedule”, but nope, after a while you rearrange EVERYTHING around assholes’ frivolity and your health suffers anyway. All because some people insist on being asshole children.

That’s Janet and Chuck Ringwald. Zero care for being decent neighbors or just generally decent human beings. 

It’s important enough to them that they constantly burn shit and pollute other people’s homes, that they have no problem with causing years of health issues, thousands of dollars in having to rearrange even getting my home established, and now thousands of dollars in rent to live somewhere else while I sell off land and move somewhere else.

And you know they know it’s wrong because OH THE STORIES the couple of times police have come out. It’s snakes they’re having to get rid of, right, sure. Cuz every person who ever had snakes in their yard had to burn a megaton of crap. Btw, enjoy all the increased copperheads coming your way since you’ve driven me out of my home and now they’re building up numbers in my garden. GREAT WORK!

  • Wow, it would be nice if I could enjoy the hard work and persistence it’s taken me to buy land and build a house without credit like the Ringwalds who have nothing better to do than burn shit to smoke up other people’s homes.
  • Gee, it would be nice if  got to enjoy my home and tinker with stuff around my home like they do. Funny how constantly sending smoke people’s way makes even basic survival suffering.
  • It would be nice if I could actually live in and use my property I worked really hard to get and build on my own.
  • It would be nice if my family members could have an affordable home, like was my plan, but NOPE, Robert and Janet have rights over making my land unlivable.
  • It would be nice if I could focus on injuries and healing health issues… But, the Ringwalds and the Wilsons have decided that they have a right to use my land however they want, even if they make it unlivable. They can stink it up, make it poisonous to be in, and make it more and more hostile just trying to stand up for the right to breathe. . . until finally we’re forced to find another home.

Chuck and Janet have caused harm to my health, wellbeing and property, while I’ve done nothing but mind my own business. OVER AND OVER AGAIN I DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO MIND MY OWN BUSINESS WHILE THEY TRASH MY HOME AND HEALTH. I guess they think I’m supposed to QUIETLY be poisoned. 

People have a right not to be smoked out of their own homes.

In other words, Janet and Robert Ringwald are grade A assholes, who think they are way more important than anyone and everyone else.

‘Chuck’ and Janet Ringwald
423039 E 1944 Rd, Antlers, OK 74523

5/2024 – I can’t even visit my home from which I’ve been evacuated to do BASIC MAINTENANCE, without being forced to breathe more of these people’s smoke. 

It’s really not a difficult concept: don’t get smoke and stink in other people’s properties, but Robert and Janet Ringwald really think they have the right to CONSTANTLY drift smoke all across other people’s yards. 

To be driven out of your home from constant smoke, and then not even be able to visit to take care of needed things without getting smoke inhalation and a nice bout of STRESS ECZEMA. NEVER IN MY LIFE do I get that except THE HANDFUL OF THE MOST STRESSFUL EVENTS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. 

I get to look through my security cameras and see the house I built and had to evacuate engulfed in smoke more often than not. Who cares the health issues I can’t even go see a doctor about now because of being forced to now live in multiple places, with no place to call home or settle into until I SELL AND BUY entirely new land and build all over again. This is what kind of people ‘CHUCK’ and Janet are. They will literally smoke you out of your own home. 

Are you going to pay the rent you’ve forced me to take on, despite having a home I worked my ass off for? 

What pieces of shit you are. To be told and asked over and over, then they PRETEND and make up other issues about my not communicating to them IN THEIR CHOSEN WAY– they violently threatened me the first time I ever tried to leave them a note. Therefore THEY shut down all communication, then lie to authorities and say I’ve threatened them while they CONTINUE to poison me in my home. Robert and Janet think they have the police under their thumb. Getting them to touch my speakers I have every right to use as the ONLY defensive or deterrent means against these demons for neighbors. They POISON ME REGULARLY, and have the gaul to tell authorities I’M THREATENING THEM. Pieces of human filth. No, so I’m supposed to just SIT THERE being forced to breathe their smoke, QUIETLY. I should not play music or shoot my fucking gun for target practice when THEY RUIN ALL OTHER ACTIVITIES IN MY OWN HOME. 

Personally, I don’t believe Chuck and Janet are this fucking stupid. I think they know exactly what they’re doing and just like the other low life scum in that neighborhood, they relish discord and disharmony. They can’t get enough of dishing out shit into other people’s lives.

You REFUSE to accept the reality of your poisoning others. You distract and point fingers and never address the issue. Your lives must be a real shit show all round if that’s how you deal with problems, just pretend they aren’t there.

You VIOLENTLY THREATEN when the person you’re poisoning tries to talk to you, then you also think you can just keep engulfing their home in smoke and just zero consequences for your actions? 

Robert “Chuck” and Janet are not civilized people; they have ZERO interest in civility.

Just like the Davises who physically threatened and sabotaged me, cut my trees though I paid for all surveying and all they had to do was string a line, just like the Davises, the Ringwalds are violent people who make communication dangerous to impossible, then claim THEY’RE being aggrieved in some way and make out like there’s been zero attempts to nicely get them to stop. Filthy lying poisoners.

YOU HAVE NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH CONSTANT POISON ENGUFING YOUR HOME INSIDE AND OUT. You’re told there’s a problem and you willfully continue being obnoxious, endangering the lives of others and making their home unlivable. So you have ZERO respect for civilization or community. Got it.

God you’re stupid selfish pieces of shit. Neither of you would put up with what you have made me breathe, but for some reason I’m just supposed to be made SICK or fuck off and find a new home? 

You’re too old to play games like this, but you know what? But the truth is, Robert and Janet have helped me realize I deserve to live in a place where I’m not treated like absolute trash by ‘neighbors’. The truth is it’s not worth having to spend SO MUCH TIME JUST defending my own right to breathe and exist without poisons and violence. SO THANK YOU, YOU FUCKING VIOLENT IDIOT CHILDREN WHO THINK EVERYTHING IS YOURS.

You live in the right neighborhood. All you violent hateful fucks deserve each other. The Wilsons, the demonic Davises who TAKE BOARDS you’d carefully stored in a safe way, and leave those boards with screws pointing up in neighbors walkways after trying to get you to hire them. The Wilsons who have done various kinds of mail tampering, over a year of light harassment aiming bright lights all into my home, constant trash smoke, violent threats, their animals ruining my property. You’re just the same. All of you.  You all really need to combine your money and buy that land since you all use it like your toilet to do what you want. 

You all can fucking kill each other with your selfish childish nonsense for all I care. You all deserve each other. Maybe you all can treat the next person who lives on that corner like a human fucking being. Or guess what, the authorities will finally figure out what pieces of trash you all are when another poor unsuspecting family tries to live on that land.

May you get everything you have coming to you. I sure wouldn’t want to face that karmic train barreling down for poisoning someone over years, making them sick, and totally unable to even use their own yard or home. Best of luck with that, you demons. May you get everything you have coming to you.